Wren is a Bitter Explorer who Performs Feats Of Strength in a Post Apocalyptic world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 11 Edge: 2 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 13 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 14 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 0 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Enhanced might edge You gain +1 to your Might Edge. Enabler. Skills ------ Muscles of iron (Pool:Might, Cost:2) For the next ten minutes, all Might-based actions other than attack rolls that you attempt are eased. If you already have this ability from another source, the effect of this ability lasts for one hour instead of ten minutes. Enabler. Danger sense (Pool:Speed, Cost:1) Your initiative task is eased. You pay the cost each time the ability is used. Enabler. Always wondering who's going to wrong you next (Trained) You are trained in detecting deception. Athlete (Trained) You are trained in carrying, climbing, jumping, and smashing. Enabler. Knowledge skills (Trained) You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two areas of knowledge such as history, geography, archeology, and so on. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler. Physical skills (Trained) You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: balancing, climbing, jumping, running, or swimming. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler. Trained in tracking creatures (Trained) If a creature has wronged you, the tracking task is eased. Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Medium weapons (Practiced) Medium Weapons Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons You have a hard time not letting bitterness stain everything you do (Inability) Interaction tasks are hindered. Attacks ------- Fast Punch Cost:Free Stat:Speed Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A lightning left jab. Eased by one step for Light weapons. Medium Weapon Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:4 Type:Medium Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A medium weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Detonation (Sonic) (Level: 4) Projects a small physical explosive up to a long distance away that explodes with terrifying sound, deafening all in an immediate radius for ten minutes per cypher level. Manifest Effort Enhancer (Combat) (Level: 2) For the next hour, the user can apply one free level of Effort to any task (including a combat task) without spending points from a Pool. The free level of Effort provided by this cypher does not count toward the maximum amount of Effort a character can normally apply to one task. Once this free level of Effort is used, the effect of the cypher ends. Subtle Equipment --------- Money: 0 - You have a keepsake from whoever wronged you. It could be an object they once possessed, a picture of them, or something else you associate with what makes you so bitter. Granted from Bitter. - Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- Explorer You are a person of action and physical ability, fearlessly facing the unknown. You travel to strange, exotic, and dangerous places, and discover new things. This means you're physical but also probably knowledgeable. Although Explorers can be academics or well studied, they are first and foremost interested in action. They face grave dangers and terrible obstacles as a routine part of life. Bitter Someone you cared for wronged you. They may have done so directly by betraying a trust, stealing your supplies, or giving you up to raiders to save their own life. Maybe they did it indirectly by going missing or dying on you. Or maybe it was an organization or institution that let you down. Whatever it was, you've spent a lot of time pulled into yourself, paranoid and mistrustful of others. But something's happened lately that has at least opened you to the possibility of trusting others again. Maybe you have to work with someone else or die. Alternatively, perhaps you've decided to try one more time, despite your disillusionment. It's either that or fully give in to bitterness. Performs Feats Of Strength A muscled prodigy, you can haul incredible weight, hurl your body through the air, and punch through doors. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - You found the other PCs in a situation they couldn't survive. Uncharacteristically, you helped them. - You were facing certain death, but the PCs saved you, for no reason other than they saw your need. - You want to change your ways, and the PCs seem to offer a chance for you to explore that possibility. - You have no idea how you joined the PCs. You're just going along with it for now until answers present themselves. Background Connection --------------------- You belong to an exclusive organization of Explorers whose existence is not widely known. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. That character recently mocked you in some fashion that really hurt your feelings. How you deal with this (if at all) is up to you. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Fortuitous Malfunction A trap or a dangerous device malfunctions before it can affect you. Serendipitous Landmark Just when it seems like the path is lost (or you are), a trail marker, a landmark, or simply the way the terrain or corridor bends, rises, or falls away suggests to you the best path forward, at least from this point. Weak Strain The poison or disease turns out not to be as debilitating or deadly as it first seemed, and inflicts only half the damage that it would have otherwise. Skeptical +4 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Bitter Possible GM intrusion from your focus: It's easy to break delicate things or hurt someone accidentally. http://localhost:3000/account/cypher/characters/vRyKpJ Last Updated: June 15th, 2024 17:14 App Version: 1.06.12 Beta